Saturday, January 29, 2011


In the middle of the second movement
hiding silently between two notes
as if daring you to notice
sits a pause, a rest, so short
yet once inside
if you listen carefully
lasting forever

And like the breeze
under the wings
of a bird
sliding gracefully
through the crisp
cold morning air
there yet not there

Not a trace to be seen
easy to overlook
obvious to all
who care to notice


Those silent unseens
that fill our days
offer support
strength and power
allow us to fly
give pause to our activities
give us life


Without the unheard
the unseen
where to find
that intangible potential
that allows flight
that allows expression

That allows all who sit
and observe
to hold awe
in the back of their throats
in fear of their sighs
disturbing the beauty
of that graceful moment
called now

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