Saturday, December 19, 2009


"A[ny] practice that comes out of the idea of being a physical or mental being can’t be called spiritual. It is a process of acquisition that takes you away from the real. What you really are can’t be acquired because you already are it. The ego is impermanent. It is a repetitive thought associated with emotions, body sensations, and reactions. When you are moved by the beauty of a piece of music, by the splendor of a sunset, or by the delicacy of an act of love, the ego leaves you. In that moment you are open and complete. If you try to improve your ego by practicing various disciplines, like a collector incessantly increasing the value of his collection with new and more sublime acquisitions, you will become more and more attached to it, and end up dissatisfied and living in isolation.

"The true master isn’t a person. It is our Self, the Self of all beings. Surrender to it, love only it, be interested in nothing but it.

"When you are invited..., you should surrender completely. Don’t try to know where you are in all of this. Don’t try to control the situation. It can’t be done. Even the first thought that takes note of this experience is already too much. It prevents a complete letting go. It is not enough to receive the royal invitation; you still have to go to the palace and taste the banquet that is your destiny. The truth-seeker in you is continuously involved in controlling your thoughts, feelings, and actions. At a certain point, even he will disappear, since he is only a concept, a thought. He isn’t you. You are that freedom, that immensity in which the seeker appears and disappears. You are what you are looking for, or, more precisely, that immensity looks for itself in you. Abandon yourself to it without reservation."

Francis Lucille
Eternity Now

{My emphasis where bolded}

DHS 38/100
(Tried a new brand of paper. It was a little thinner and much more absorbent and will require a lighter hand. I think i'll go back to the old brand until i finish these DHS.)

Saw this on the blog at the great website and couldn't help but find it at YouTube and post a copy here. They called it The Meaning Of Life:

Wonderful! Beautiful!

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