Do you need a challenge in 2017? Something to strive for throughout the year? Something worthy? Something that will guarantee to change your life, and possibly that of those around you?
I have and use two meditation apps on my iProducts. On my iPad, i use an app called Insight Timer. And while i also have that installed on my iPod, i also have an app called Enso Timer. I sort of prefer the Enso Timer simply because something about its simplicity appeals to me. Without paid upgrades there are no fancy bells and whistles. Yes, there are meditation bells, but there is something about it that i really like. Sit, open the app, press Begin, and do your thing.
But, if i have to be honest, i would say that Insight Timer is most likely the very best meditation timer on the market. It has the same simple timer if that's all you want to use, with multiple bells, but it also comes with its own meditation ecosystem.
In addition to the timer, there is an entire worldwide community of other meditaters all connected through an online community supported inside the app. There are thousands of guided meditations if that's your approach; by many of the best names in the business. There are groups that you can join that cater to any possible taste, and not all just Buddhism or one particular flavor of Buddhism.
Which brings me to my point. The CEO of the app decided that he wanted to challenge himself to meditate every single day of 2017. Every day. And, as most of us already know, when you throw down a challenge for yourself, the best thing you can do is to announce it to the world and ask them to hold you accountable. He did that by starting a group in the app called 365 Together, and asked if there was anyone else "out there" that would join him.
So far there are over 25,000 people who have accepted the challenge. One of them is me. Every day, Monday through Sunday. Every week. Every month. All year. From January 1st through December 31. Even if it is only 5 minutes, i will meditate every single day next year.
Are you looking for something to challenge yourself with next year? How about joining us? The app is free, joining is free, sitting is free, and all the benefits that you will accrue through the year will be free. Then it will be up to you to freely offer any benefits to the people around you.
Please join. Today's world needs people like you.